display ipsec policy
Syntax display ipsec policy [ brief | name policy-name [ seq-number ]]
View Any view
Parameter brief: Displays brief information about all the IPSec policies.
name: Displays detailed information about a specified IPSec policy or IPSec policy
policy-name: Name of the IPSec policy, a string of 1 to 15 characters.
seq-number: Sequence number of the IPSec policy, in the range 1 to 10000.
Description Use the
display ipsec policy command to display information about IPSec
Note that:
■ If you do not specify any keywords or parameters, the command displays
detailed information about all IPSec policies.
■ If you specify the name policy-name combination but leave the seq-number
argument, the command displays detailed information about the specified
IPSec policy group.
Related command: ipsec policy (system view).
Example # Display brief information about all IPSec policies.
<Sysname> display ipsec policy brief
IPsec-Policy-Name Mode acl ike-peer name
map-1 isakmp 3000 peerr1234567890
map-3 template
mappp1234567890-1 isakmp 3000 peer
mappp5432167890-1 template
Table 559 Description on the fields of the display encrypt-card fast-switch command
Field Description
Fast-Forwarding cache
Encryption card fast forwarding cache
Index Index number of the encryption card fast forwarding entry
SourIP Source IP address of the data flow
SourPort Source port number of the data flow
DestIP Destination IP address of the data flow
DestPort Destination port number of the data flow
Prot Protocol number
TdbID Identification of the SA
ENC/DEC Action on the data flow, encryption or decryption