as-path-acl-number: Clears the flap statistics of routes matching an AS path ACL,
number of which is in the range 1 to 256.
ip-address: Clears the flap statistics of a route.
mask: Network mask, in dotted decimal notation.
mask-length: Mask length, in the range 0 to 32.
Description Use the
reset bgp flap-info command to clear the flap statistics of routes
matching the specified filter.
The flap statistics of all the routes will be cleared if no parameter is specified.
Examples # Clear the flap statistics of all routes matching AS path ACL 10.
<Sysname> reset bgp flap-info as-path-acl 10
reset bgp ipv4 all
Syntax reset bgp ipv4 all
View User view
Parameters None
Description Use the
reset bgp ipv4 all command to reset all the BGP connections of IPv4
unicast address family.
Examples # Reset all the BGP connections of IPv4 unicast address family.
<Sysname> reset bgp ipv4 all
Syntax router-id router-id
undo router-id
View BGP view
Parameters router-id: Router ID in IP address format.
Description Use the
router-id command to specify a router ID.
Use the
undo router-id command to remove a router ID.
To run BGP protocol, a router must have a router ID, which is an unsigned 32-bit
integer, the unique ID of the router in the AS.