display portal free-rule
Syntax display portal free-rule [ rule-number ]
View Any view
Parameter rule-number: Number of an authentication-free rule. The value range varies with
Description Use the
display portal free-rule command to display the information of a
specified portal-authentication-free rule or all authentication-free rules.
Note that the information of all authentication-free rules will be displayed if the
rule-number argument is not specified.
MSG_AUTHEN_ACK Authentication acknowledgment message
MSG_AUTHOR_ACK Authorization acknowledgment message
MSG_LOGIN_ACK Accounting acknowledgment message
MSG_LOGOUT_ACK Accounting-stop acknowledgment message
MSG_LEAVING_ACK Leaving acknowledgment message
MSG_CUT_REQ Cut request message
MSG_AUTH_REQ Authentication request message
MSG_LOGIN_REQ Accounting request message
MSG_LOGOUT_REQ Accounting-stop request message
MSG_LEAVING_REQ Leaving request message
MSG_TMR_REQAUTH Authentication request timeout message
MSG_TMR_AUTHEN Authentication timeout message
MSG_TMR_AUTHOR Authorization timeout message
MSG_TMR_LOGIN Accounting-start timeout message
MSG_TMR_LOGOUT Accounting-stop timeout message
MSG_TMR_LEAVING Leaving timeout message
MSG_TMR_NEWIP Public IP update timeout message
MSG_TMR_USERIPCHANGE User IP change timeout message
MSG_PORT_REMOVE Layer 2 interface user removed message
MSG_VLAN_REMOVE VLAN user removed message
MSG_IF_REMOVE Layer 3 interface user removed message
MSG_L3IF_SHUT Layer 3 interface shutdown message
MSG_IP_REMOVE IP removed message
MSG_ALL_REMOVE All users removed message
MSG_IFIPADDR_CHANGE Interface IP address change message
MSG_SOCKET_CHANGE Socket change message
Table 537 Description on the fields of the display portal connection statistics command
Field Description