display poe pse
Syntax display poe pse [ pse-id ]
View Any view
Parameter pse-id: PSE ID. You can use the display poe device command to view the
mapping between PSE ID and slot. If you enter a PSE ID, the information of the PSE
is displayed. Otherwise, the information of all PSEs on the device will be displayed.
pse-id indicates number of the slot where a PoE interface locates.
Description Use the
display poe pse command to display the information of the specified
Example # Display the information of PSE 6.
<Sysname> display poe pse 6
PSE ID : 6
PSE Slot No : 6
PSE Power Enabled : enable
PSE Power Preempted : no
PSE Power Priority : low
PSE Current Power : 130 W
Table 643 Description on fields of the display poe power-usage command
Field Description
PoE Current Power Total consumption power of the PSE
PoE Max Power Maximum PoE power
PoE Max Guaranteed Power Guaranteed maximum PoE power, namely, the
maximum power supplied to critical PSEs.
PoE Remaining Allocate Power Remaining allocable PoE power = Maximum PoE
power - the sum of the maximum power of all
PoE-enabled PSEs
PoE Remaining Guaranteed Power Guaranteed remaining PoE power = Guaranteed
maximum PoE power - the sum of the maximum
power of critical PSEs
PoE Total Powered Port Number Number of PoE interfaces that are currently supplying
PSE ID ID of the PSE
Max Maximum power of the PSE
Current Current power of the PSE
Peak Peak power of the PSE
Average Average power of the PSE
Remaining Guaranteed Guaranteed remaining power of the PSE = Guaranteed
maximum power of the PSE - the sum of the maximum
power of critical PoE interfaces of the PSE
Powered PortNum Number of PoE interfaces to which the PSE is supplying