■ System: provides service configuration commands, including routing and
commands at each level of the network for providing services.
■ Manage: influences the basic operation of the system and the system support
modules for service support. Commands at this level involve file system, FTP,
TFTP, XMODEM download and configuration file switch, power control,
standby board control, user management, level setting, as well as parameter
setting within a system (the last case involves those non-protocol or non RFC
provisioned commands).
Login users are also classified into four levels that correspond to the four
command levels. After users at different levels log in, they can only use commands
at their own, or lower, levels.
Note that:
Users can switch to a lower user level unconditionally. To log in through AUX, TTY,
or VTY user interface and switch to a higher user level, however, they need to
enter the password (The password can be set with the super password
command.). If the entered password is incorrect or no password is configured, the
switch fails. Therefore, before switching to a higher user level, users should
configure the password needed.
Related command: super password.
Example # Set the user level to 2 (the current user level is 3).
<Sysname> super 2
User privilege level is 2, and only those commands can be used
whose level is equal or less than this.
Privilege note: 0-VISIT, 1-MONITOR, 2-SYSTEM, 3-MANAGE
# Switch the user level back to 3 (Suppose password 123 has been set; otherwise,
the user level cannot be switched to 3.).
<Sysname> super 3
User privilege level is 3, and only those commands can be used
whose level is equal or less than this.
super password
Syntax super password [ level user-level ] { simple | cipher } password
undo super password [ level user-level ]
View System view
Parameter level user-level: Specifies user level. The user-level argument ranges from 1 to 3
and defaults to 3.
simple: Plain text password.