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Parameter x121-address: Destination X.121 address, a string of 1 to 15 numerical characters.
Description Use the
pad command to establish a X.25 PAD connection and logon to the
remote site.
PAD is similar to telnet. It can establish the connection from the local to the
remote through the remote X121 address to carry out configuration operations.
Example # Establish a PAD connection to the destination X.121 address 2.
<Sysname> pad 2
reset xot
Syntax reset xot local local-ip-address local-port remote remote-ip-address remote-port
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Parameter local-ip-address: Local IP address of the XOT connection.
local-port: Local port number of the XOT connection.
remote-ip-address: Remote IP address of the XOT connection.
remote-port: Remote port number of the XOT connection.
Description For SVC, use the reset xot command to clear an XOT link.
For PVC, use the reset xot command to reset an XOT link.
When you clear or reset the XOT link, you can obtain the required ports using the
display x25 xot or display tcp status command.
Example # Clear or reset the XOT link.
<Sysname> reset xot local 1998 remote 1024
reset x25
Syntax reset x25 { counters interface interface-type interface-number | vc interface
interface-type interface-number [ vc-number ]}
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Parameter counters: Resets interface statistics.
vc: Resets X.25 virtual circuit.