Parameter bucket bucket-size: Number of tokens in a token bucket, in the range of 1 to 200.
ratelimit interval: Update period of the token bucket in milliseconds, in the range
of 0 to 2,147,483,647. The update period “0” indicates that the number of
ICMPv6 error packets sent is not restricted.
Description Use the
ipv6 icmp-error command to configure the size and update period of a
token bucket.
Use the
undo ipv6 icmp-error command to restore the defaults.
By default, the size is 10 and the update period is 100 milliseconds. That is, at
most 10 ICMPv6 error packets can be sent within these 100 milliseconds.
Example # Set the capacity of the token bucket to 50 and the update period to 100
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipv6 icmp-error bucket 50 ratelimit 100
ipv6 icmpv6 multicast-echo-reply enable
Syntax ipv6 icmpv6 multicast-echo-reply enable
undo ipv6 icmpv6 multicast-echo-reply
View System view
Parameters None
Description Use the
ipv6 icmpv6 multicast-echo-reply enable command to enable
sending of multicast echo replies.
Use the
undo ipv6 icmpv6 multicast-echo-reply command to disable
sending of multicast echo replies.
By default, the device is disabled from sending multicast echo replies.
Examples # Enable sending of multicast echo replies.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipv6 icmpv6 multicast-echo-reply enable
ipv6 mtu
Syntax ipv6 mtu mtu-size
undo ipv6 mtu
View Interface view