undo l2vpn-family
View BGP view
Parameter None
Description Use the
l2vpn-family command to enter BGP L2VPN address family view.
Use the undo l2vpn-family command to delete all configurations for the BGP
L2VPN address family.
Example # Enter BGP L2VPN address family view.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bgp 100
[Sysname-bgp] l2vpn-family
mpls l2vc
Syntax mpls l2vc destination vcid [ tunnel-policy tunnel-policy-name ] [ control-word |
no-control-word ]
undo mpls l2vc
View Interface view
Parameter destination: IP address of the peer PE.
vc-id: VC ID of the L2VPN connection, in the range 1 to 4294967295.
tunnel-policy-name: Tunneling policy for the VC, a string of 1 to 19 characters.
control-word: Enables the control word option.
no-control-word: Disables the control word option.
Description Use the
mpls l2vc command to create a Martini L2VPN connection.
Use the undo mpls l2vc command to delete the Martini connection on the CE
■ If you do not specify the tunneling policy, or specify the tunneling policy name
but do not configure the policy, the default policy is used. The default
tunneling policy uses LSP tunnels and the load balance number of one.
■ Currently, only L2VPNs using ATM, PPP, FR, or HDLC encapsulation support the
control word option.
Related command: tunnel select-seq load-balance-number on page 1718.