fr del protocol
Syntax fr del list-number protocol ip [ acl acl-number | fragments | greater-than bytes |
less-than bytes | tcp ports | udp ports ]
undo fr del list-number protocol ip [ fragments | acl acl-number | less-than bytes |
greater-than bytes | tcp ports | udp ports ]
View System view
Parameters list-number: DE rule list number, ranging from 1 to 10.
protocol ip: IP.
fragments: All fragmented IP packets.
acl acl-number: IP packets meeting ACL matching requirement. acl-number
ranges from 2000 to 3999.
less-than bytes: IP packets whose length is less than bytes. bytes ranges from 0 to
greater-than bytes: IP packets whose length is greater than bytes. bytes ranges
from 0 to 65535.
tcp ports: IP packets whose source or destination TCP port number are ports, in
the range 0 to 65535. The value of ports can be a port name or the related port
number. udp
ports: IP packets whose source or destination UDP port number are
ports, in the range 0 to 65535. The value of ports can be a port name or the
related port number. If optional parameters are not used, it represents all IP
Description Use the
fr del protocol ip command to configure an IP-based DE rule list. The
DE flag bit of the FR packet encapsulated with an IP packet matching the specified
rule will be flagged as 1.
Use the
undo fr del protocol ip command to delete the specified DE rule from
a DE rule list.
By default, no DE rule list is created.
New rules can be added to a DE rule list by using this command repeatedly. Up to
100 rules can be configured in a DE rule list. The undo form of this command can
once delete one DE rule only. To delete a DE rule list, you must delete all DE rules
in it.
Related commands: fr de del, fr del inbound-interface.
Examples # Add a rule to DE rule list 1. For all FR packets encapsulated with IP packets, flag
their DE flag bits as 1.