modifications, you can first delete this address mapping via the undo x25 map
command, and then establish one new address mapping.
Two or more address mappings with an identical protocol address shall not exist
on the same X.25 interface.
Related command: display x25 map, x25 reverse-charge-accept, x25 call-facility, x25 timer
idle, x25 vc-per-map.
Example # Set two address mappings on the X.25 interfaces Serial2/1 and Serial2/0,
respectively, and the four address mappings have different attributes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/1
[Sysname-Serial2/1] x25 map ip x121-address 20112451 reverse-c
harge-request reverse-charge-accept
[Sysname-Serial2/1] x25 map ip x121-address 20112450 packet-s
ize 512 512 idle-timer 10
[Sysname-Serial1/0] quit
[Sysname] interface serial2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] x25 map ip x121-address 25112451 window-size 4
4 broadcast
[Sysname-Serial2/0] x25 map ip x121-address 25112450 no-callin
x25 modulo
Syntax x25 modulo { 8 | 128 }
undo x25 modulo
View Interface view
Parameter 8: Uses modulo 8 mode.
128: Uses modulo 128 mode.
Description Use the
x25 modulo command to set the modulo mode of the X.25 interface.
Use the undo x25 modulo command to restore the default.
The default is modulo 8 mode.
The slip window is the basis for X.25 traffic control, and the key about the slip
window is that the sent packets are numbered cyclically in order and are to be
acknowledged by the peer end. The order in numbering refers to the ascending
order, like “...2, 3, 4, 5, 6...” “Cyclically” means that the numbering starts again
from the beginning when a certain number (called modulo) is reached. For
example, when the modulo is 8, the numbering goes “...4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1..."
X.25 defines two numbering modulo: 8 (also called the basic numbering) and 128
(also called extended numbering).