inbound ESP setting:
ESP spi: 23456 (0x5ba0)
ESP string-key:
ESP encryption hex key:
ESP authentication hex key: 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef
outbound ESP setting:
ESP spi: 65432 (0xff98)
ESP string-key:
ESP encryption hex key:
ESP authentication hex key: 11223344556677889900aabbccddeeffIPsec
ipsec profile (system view)
Syntax ipsec profile profile-name
undo ipsec profile profile-name
View System view
Parameter profile-name: Name of the IPSec profile, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 15
Description Use the
ipsec profile command to create an IPSec profile and enter its view.
Use the
undo ipsec profile command to remove a specified IPSec profile.
By Default, no IPSec profile exists.
Note that:
Table 466 Description on the fields of the display ipsec profile command
Field Description
IPsec profile name Name of the IPSec profile
mode Tunneling mode used by the IPSec profile
tunnel local address Local address of the tunnel
tunnel remote address Remote address of the tunnel
perfect forward secrecy PFS feature that is configured
proposal name IPSec proposal referenced by the IPSec profile
ipsec sa local duration(time based) Local time-based SA lifetime
ipsec sa local duration(traffic based) Local traffic-based SA lifetime
inbound ESP setting ESP settings in the inbound direction
outbound ESP setting ESP settings in the outbound direction
ESP spi Security parameter index (SPI) of the SA using ESP
ESP string-key Key of the SA using ESP
ESP encryption hex key Encryption key of the SA using ESP, in
ESP authentication hex key Authentication key of the SA using ESP, in