display mfr
Syntax display mfr [ interface interface-type interface-number | verbose ]
View Any view
Parameter interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and
verbose: Displays detailed statistics information, including the number of
controlling packets sent and received.
Description Use the
display mfr command to display configuration and statistics information
of multilink frame relay bundle and bundle link. If no bundle or bundle link is
specified, information about all bundles and bundle links is displayed.
Example # Display configuration and state information about all frame relay bundles and
frame relay bundle links.
<Sysname> display mfr
Bundle interface:MFR1, Bundle state = up, Bundle class = A,
fragment disabled, MFR bundle fragment size = 222
original packet be assembled/fragmentized (in/out): 0/0
dropped fragment (in/out): 0/0
Bundle name = 2
Bundle links:
Serial2/0, PHY state = up, link state = up, Link name : Serial2/0
LMI status enquiry sent 435, LMI status received 435 Transmitted and received LMI status
enquiry messages
LMI status timeout 0, LMI message discarded 0 LMI timeout messages and dropped
LMI messages
Physical is MFR Physical interface is MFR
Output queue: (Urgent queue: Size/Length/Discards)
Output queue: (Protocol queue: Size/Length/Discards)
Output queue: (FIFO queuing: Size/Length/Discards)
Statistics on the packets of the
following interface output queues:
■ Urgent queue
■ Protocol queue
■ FIFO queue
Last 300 seconds input: 0 bytes/sec, 0 packets/sec Input rate of the interface within the
last five minutes
Last 300 seconds output: 0 bytes/sec, 0 packets/sec Output rate of the interface within the
last five minutes
1058 packets input, 832389 bytes, 0 drops Packets and bytes received on the
interface and packets dropped as the
result of full receive buffer
619 packets output, 828190 bytes, 0 drops Packets and bytes transmitted on the
interface and packets dropped as the
result of full transmit buffer
Table 49 Description on the fields of the display interface mfr command
Field Description