Examples # Two devices are connected using Serial interfaces. Enable PPP on the two
interfaces. PPP negotiation starts between them. Enable PPP debugging.
*0.784906 Sysname PPP/8/debug2:
PPP Event:
Serial2/0 LCP Open Event
state initial
// On interface Serial 2/0, the LCP state machine was opened and was in the initial
*0.784906 Sysname PPP/8/debug2:
PPP State Change:
Serial2/0 LCP : initial --> starting
// LCP moved from the initial state to the starting state.
*0.784906 Sysname PPP/8/debug2:
PPP Event:
Serial2/0 LCP Lower Up Event
state starting
// A lower layer up event was reported for LCP. The LCP state machine was in the
starting state.
*0.784906 Sysname PPP/8/debug2:
PPP State Change:
Serial2/0 LCP : starting --> reqsent
// LCP moved from the starting state to the reqsent state.
*0.784906 Sysname PPP/8/debug2:
PPP Packet:
Serial2/0 Output LCP(c021) Pkt, Len 35
State reqsent, code ConfReq(01), id 2a, len 31
MRU(1), len 4, val 05dc
AuthProto(3), len 4, PAP c023
MagicNumber(5), len 6, val 31180c00
MRRU(11), len 4, val 05dc
Discri(13), len 9, val 01fa4d432c8451
// Interface Serial 2/0 sent a 35-byte LCP packet. The type of the packet is
Configure-Request, its ID is 2a, and its length is 31 bytes with the header removed.
The LCP state machine transited to the request sent state as a result. The packet
contains these configuration options for negotiation: MRU (the TLV length is four
bytes, and the desired MRU value is 05dc); the authentication protocol (the TLV
length is four bytes and the desired authentication protocol is PAP); the
magic-number (the TLV length is 6 bytes, and the value is 31180c00); the MRRU
131 Secondary DNS Server Address Requested or allocated a secondary DNS
132 Secondary NBNS Server Address Requested or allocated a secondary NBNS
Table 89 Description on the fields of the debugging ppp ipcp command
value Field name Description