Parameter fileurl-source: Name of the source file.
fileurl-dest: Name of the target file.
Description Use the
copy command to copy a file.
Example # Copy file testcfg.cfg and save it as tt.cfg.
<Sysname> copy testcfg.cfg tt.cfg
Copy cf:/config.cfg to cf:/tt.cfg?[Y/N]:y
%Copy file cf:/testcfg.cfg to cf:/tt.cfg...Done.
Syntax delete [ /unreserved ] file-url
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Parameter /unreserved: Permanently deletes the specified file, and the deleted file can never
be restored.
file-url: Name of the file to be deleted. Asterisks (*) are acceptable as wildcards.
For example, to remove files with the expansion of txt, you may use the delete
*.txt command
Description Use the delete command to remove a specified file from the storage device to the
recycle bin, where you can restore the file with the undelete command or
permanently delete it with the reset recycle-bin command.
The dir /all command displays the files removed to the recycle bin. These files are
enclosed in pairs of brackets.
This command supports the wildcard *.
CAUTION: If you delete two files in different directories but with the same
filename, only the last one is retained in the recycle bin.
Example # Remove the file tt.cfg from the root directory.
<Sysname> delete tt.cfg
Delete cf:/tt.cfg?[Y/N]:y
%Delete file cf:/tt.cfg...Done.
Syntax dir [/all | file-url ]
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