Syntax instance instance-id vlan vlan-list
undo instance instance-id [ vlan vlan-list ]
View MST region view
Parameters instance-id: MST instance ID, in the range of 0 to 15.
vlan-list: VLAN list. You can specify multiple VLANs or VLAN ranges by providing
this argument in the form of vlan-list = { vlan-id [ to vlan-id ] }&<1-10>, where,
vlan-id is in the range of 1 to 4094, and &<1-10> means that you can specify up
to 10 VLANs or VLAN ranges for this argument.
Description Use the
instance command to map the specified VLAN(s) to the specified MST
Use the
undo instance command to remove the specified VLAN(s) from the
specified MST instance and map the removed VLAN(s) to the CIST (MST instance
By default, all VLANs are mapped to the CIST.
Notice that:
■ If you specify no VLAN in the undo instance command, all VLANs mapped to
the specified MST instance will be remapped to the CIST.
■ You cannot map the same VLAN to different MST instances. If you map a VLAN
that has been mapped to an instance to a new instance, the old mapping will
be automatically removed.
Related commands: region-name, revision-level, check region-configuration, vlan-mapping
modulo, and active region-configuration.
Examples # Map VLAN 2 to MST instance 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] stp region-configuration
[Sysname-mst-region] instance 1 vlan 2
Syntax region-name name
undo region-name
View MST region view