Note the following:
■ When you use this command to display ACFP rule information in order of
policy, if you specify neither client ID nor policy index, the rule information of all
the policies will be displayed.
■ When you use this command to display ACFP rule information in order of
outbound/inbound interface, if you specify no interface, the rule information
for all the inbound interfaces or outbound interfaces will be displayed.
Example # Display ACFP rule information in order of inbound interface.
<Sysname> display acfp rule-info in-interface ethernet 1/0
In-Interface: e1/0
ACFP rule total number: 1
ClientID:2 Policy-Index:2 Rule-Index:5
SIP: SMask: SPort:65500 to 65535
DIP: DMask: DPort:65500 to 65535
Protocol:ipinip Establish:false Fragment:false Tos:1 Pre:1
Action:redirect Status:active
# Display ACFP rule information in order of policy.
<Sysname> display acfp rule-info policy 1 1
ACFP Rule total number: 1
ClientID:1 Policy-Index:1 Rule-Index:1
SIP: SMask: SPort:65500 to 65535
DIP: DMask: DPort:65500 to 65535
Protocol:ipinip Establish:false Fragment:false DSCP:AF11
Action:redirect Status:inactive
Table 653 Description on the fields of the display acfp rule-info command
Field Description
In-Interface Inbound interface of the packet
Out-Interface Outbound interface of the packet
ACFP rule total number Total number of ACFP rules
ClientID Client ID, index of client list
Policy-Index Policy index
Rule-Index Rule index
ContextID Context ID
SIP Source IP address
SMask Inverse mask of source IP address
SPort Source port number
DIP Destination IP address
DMask Inverse mask of destination IP address
DPort Destination port number
Protocol Protocol of the packet: GRE, ICMP, IGMP, IPinIP, OSPF, TCP,
UDP, IP, and so on.
Establish Whether the packet is a TCP connection establishing packet:
true (TCP connection establishing packet) and false (indicates
all the packets, not concerned about whether the packet is a
TCP connection establishing packet)
Fragment Whether the packet is a fragment: true (fragment) and false
(indicates all the packets, not concerned about whether the
packet is a fragment)