outbound ESP setting:
ESP spi: 65432 (0xff98)
ESP string-key:
ESP encryption hex key: 11223344556677889900aabbccddeeff1234567812345678
ESP authentication hex key: 11223344556677889900aabbccddeeff
display ipsec policy-template
Syntax display ipsec policy-template [ brief | name template-name [ seq-number ]]
View Any view
Parameter brief: Displays brief information about all the IPSec policy templates.
name: Displays detailed information about a specified IPSec policy template or
IPSec policy template group.
template-name: Name of the IPSec policy template, a string of 1 to 15 characters.
seq-number: Sequence number of the IPSec policy template, in the range 1 to
Description Use the
display ipsec policy-template command to display information about
IPSec policy templates.
Note that:
■ If you do not specify any keywords or parameters, the command displays
detailed information about all IPSec policy templates.
■ If you specify the name policy-name combination but leave the seq-number
argument, the command displays information about the specified IPSec policy
template group.
Related command: ipsec policy-template.
Example # Display brief information about all IPSec policy templates.
<Sysname> display ipsec policy-template brief
Policy-template-Name acl Remote-Address
Table 561 Description on the fields of the display ipsec policy command
Field Description
security data flow Access control list referenced by the IPSec
proposal name Name of the proposal referenced by the
IPSec policy
inbound/outbound ah/esp setting AH/ESP settings in the inbound/outbound
direction, including the SPI and key
tunnel local address Local IP address of the tunnel
tunnel remote address Remote IP address of the tunnel
perfect forward secrecy Whether PFS is enabled.