You can also use the undo if-match [ not ] command in the following syntax to
change the ACL used for traffic classification to a new one: undo if-match [ not ]
acl [ ipv6 ] { acl-number | name acl-name } [ update acl [ ipv6 ] { acl-number |
name acl-name } ].
Description Use the
if-match command to define the matching rule of all packets that match
the specified matching rules.
Use the
undo if-match command to delete the matching rules.
Use the if-match not command to define the match rule of all packets that do
not match the specified matching rules.
Use the
undo if-match not command to delete the matching rules.
When defining the rules, take the following into consideration:
1 Define ACL matching rule
■ If the ACL referenced in a class is not created, the class cannot be applied.
■ A class can reference the same ACL by ACL name and ACL number
2 Define destination MAC address matching rule.
■ For a class, you can configure multiple commands which cannot be
■ The match rules of the destination MAC address are only meaningful for
interfaces of Ethernet type.
3 Define source MAC address matching rule.
■ For a class, you can configure multiple commands which cannot be
■ The match rules of the source MAC address are only meaningful for interfaces
of Ethernet type.
4 Define matching rule for the class.
When defining both logical AND and logical OR match rules for a class, you may
use this command.
For example, to define classA to match rule1 & rule2 | rule3 requires to define:
■ traffic classifier classB operator and
rtp start-port
Define RTP port matching rule. start-port-number is the starting RTP
port number which is valued in the range 2000 to 65535;
end-port-number is the ending RTP port number which is valued in
the range 2000 to 65535.
Define qos-local-id matching rule; local-id-value is the local QoS ID in
the range 1 to 4095.
Define source MAC address matching rule.
Table 477 Values of matching rules for class
Value Description