order { network | type }: Displays sorted service information. The network
keyword indicates that information is sorted by network. The type keyword
indicates that information is sorted by type.
type service-type: Displays information about a specified service type ID, which is
in the range of 0x1 to 0xFFFF.
verbose: Displays detailed about service information.
Description Use the
display ipx service-table command to display IPX service information.
If no parameters are specified, only active service information is displayed.
Example # Display active IPX service information.
<Sysname> display ipx service-table
Abbreviation: S - Static, Pref - Preference(Decimal), NetId - Network number,
NodeId - Node address, hop - Hops(Decimal), Recv-If - Interface from which the se
rvice is received
Number of Static Entries: 2
Number of Dynamic Entries: 0
Name Type NetId
S Prn1 0005 000d
S Prn2 0005 0008
# Display detailed IPX service information.
<Sysname> display ipx service-table verbose
Abbreviation: S - Static, Pref - Preference(Decimal), NetId - Network number,
NodeId - Node address, hop - Hops(Decimal), Recv-If - Interface from which the se
rvice is received
Number of Static Entries: 2
Number of Dynamic Entries: 0
Name Type NetId NodeId Sock Pref Hops Recv-If
S Prn1 0005 000d 000a-000a-000a 0452 500 02 Vlan-interface1
S Prn2 0005 0008 000a-000a-000a 0452 500 03 Vlan-interface1
display ipx statistics
Syntax display ipx statistics
View Any view
Table 662 Description on the fields of the display ipx service-table command
Field Description
Name Server name
Type Service type
NetId Network ID
NodeId Node ID
Sock Socket
Pref Preference
Hops Hops to the server
Recv-If Name of the receiving interface