Syntax fqdn name-str
undo fqdn
View PKI entity view
Parameter name-str: Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of an entity, a case-insensitive string
of 1 to 127 characters
Description Use the
fqdn command to configure the FQDN of an entity.
Use the
undo fqdn command to remove the configuration.
By default, no FQDN is specified for an entity.
An FQDN is the unique identifier of an entity on a network. It consists of a host
name and a domain name and can be resolved into an IP address.
Example # Configure the FQDN of an entity as pki.domain-name.com.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] pki entity 1
[Sysname-pki-entity-1] fqdn pki.domain-name.com
ip (PKI entity view)
Syntax ip ip-address
undo ip
View PKI entity view
Table 535 Description on the fields of the display pki crl domain command
Field Description
Version Version of the CRLs
Signature Algorithm Signature algorithm adopted by the CRLs
Issuer CA issuing the CRLs
Last Update Last update time
Next Update Next update time
CRL extensions Extensions of CRL
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier CA issuing the CRLs. The certificate version is X509v3
keyid ID of the public key
Revoked Certificates Revoked certificates
Serial Number Serial number of the revoked certificate
Revocation Date Revocation date of the certificate