display connection-limit statistics
Syntax display connection-limit statistics [ source src-address { mask | mask-length }]
[ destination dst-address { mask | mask-length }] [destination-port { eq | gt | lt | neq
| range } port-number ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]
View Any view
Parameter source src-address: Displays the connection-limit statistics for the specified source
destination dst-address: Displays the connection-limit statistics for the specified
destination address.
mask: Network mask.
mask-length: Mask length, in the range 1 to 32.
destination-port { eq | gt | lt | neq | range } port-number: Displays
connection-limit statistics based on the destination port number. You can specify
the port(s) in different ways through different keywords: eq (equal to the specified
port number), gt (greater than the specified port number), lt (less than the
specified port number), neq (not equal to the specified port number), range (in a
port range). The value range of port-number is 0 to 65,535. The value range of
start-port and end-port is also 0 to 65,535, and the start-port must be not greater
than the end-port.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies the MPLS VPN instance that a
connection belongs to. The
vpn-instance-name argument ranges from 1 to 19
characters. Absence of this keyword and argument indicates that the user whose
connection statistics are to be displayed belongs to a normal private network
rather than an MPLS VPN instance.
Description Use the
display connection-limit statistics command to display
connection-limit statistics.
limit Number of rules in the policy
limit mode Connection-limit mode (all, amount, rate):
■ all: limits both connection number and connection rate.
■ amount: limits connection number only.
■ rate: limits connection rate only.
limit rate Connection rate limit
acl Access control list
per-source Statistics based on the source addresses in the ACL
amount Upper and lower limits of connections
Table 521 Description on the fields of the display connection-limit policy all command
Field Description