Description Use the ppp mp max-bind command to configure the maximum number of
links allowed in an MP bundle.
Use the
undo ppp mp max-bind command to restore the default value, which
is 16.
Generally speaking, it is unnecessary to configure this argument, but in case you
need to configure it, you must do it under the guidance of technical engineers.
Such a configuration may affect the performance of PPP.
■ If MP fails to delete links, it is possibly because that the maximum number of
bundled links is smaller than what has actually been configured. Make sure
that the maximum binding number is larger than the actual one.
■ After you change the maximum number of bundled links in an MP on a
virtual-template or dialer interface, you must shutdown and then undo
shutdown the relevant physical interfaces before modification takes effect.
Related command: ppp mp.
Example # Set the maximum number of binding links to 12.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface virtual-template 0
[Sysname-Virtual-Template0] ppp mp max-bind 12
ppp mp min-bind
Syntax ppp mp min-bind min-bind-num
undo ppp mp min-bind
View Dialer interface view
Parameter min-bind-num: Specifies the minimum number of links in an MP bundle, in the
range 1 to 128.
Description Use the
ppp mp min-bind command to configure the minimum number of PPP
links that an MP bundle should contain.
Use the
undo ppp mp min-bind command to restore the default value.
By default, the minimum number of PPP links in an MP bundle is 0, which means
that MP dial-up relies on traffic detection.
In dial-up application, you sometimes need multiple links to bear services
simultaneously to guarantee the minimum bandwidth in transmitting a packet. In
this case, you can use this command to set the minimum links to be bound.
Note that, after you configure the ppp mp min-bind command, MP dial-up no
longer depends on traffic detection. Moreover, links that have been established
will not be removed even in case of timeout. This means that after the ppp mp