View Virtual template interface view, dialer interface view
Parameter authentication: Performs MP binding according to PPP authentication username.
both: Performs MP binding according to both the PPP authentication username
and the endpoint descriptor.
descriptor: Performs the MP binding according to the endpoint descriptor.
Description Use the
ppp mp binding-mode command to set the MP binding mode.
Use the undo ppp mp binding-mode command to restore the default MP
binding mode.
By default, MP binding is based on both the PPP authentication username and the
endpoint descriptor.
The username is the peer’s username received while performing PAP or CHAP
authentication. The endpoint descriptor, which uniquely specifies a device, refers
to the peer’s endpoint descriptor received when performing LCP negotiation.
Based on the username or endpoint descriptor, the system can locate the specified
VT interface and create a MP binding according to the configuration on the
Note that:
■ When MP binding is only based on descriptors, users cannot be differentiated.
So, to bind users to different groups, use the keyword both in the command.
■ When MP binding is only based on authentication usernames, peer devices
cannot be differentiated. So, when multiple peer devices exist, use the keyword
both in the command.
Related command: ppp mp user.
Example # Perform MP binding based on PPP authentication username.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface dialer 0
[Sysname-Dialer0] ppp mp binding-mode authentication
ppp mp max-bind
Syntax ppp mp max-bind max-bind-num
undo ppp mp max-bind
View Virtual template interface view, dialer interface view
Parameter max-bind-num: Specifies the maximum number of links which can be bound, in
the range 1 to 128.