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Parameter remote-file: Name of a file on the remote SFTP server.
local-file: Name for the local file.
Description Use the
get command to download a file from a remote SFTP server and save it
If you do not specify the local-file argument, the file will be saved locally with the
same name as that on the remote SFTP server.
Example # Download file temp1.c and save it as temp.c locally.
sftp-client> get temp1.c temp.c
Remote file:/temp1.c ---> Local file: temp.c
Downloading file successfully ended
Syntax help [ all | command-name ]
View SFTP client view
Parameter all: Displays a list of all commands.
command-name: Name of a command.
Description Use the
help command to display a list of all commands or the help information
of an SFTP client command.
With neither the argument nor the keyword specified, the command displays a list
of all commands.
Example # Display the help information of the get command.
sftp-client> help get
get remote-path [local-path] Download file
Default local-path is the same with remote-path
Syntax ls [ -a | -l ] [ remote-path ]
View SFTP client view
Parameter -a: Displays the filenames or the folder names of the specified directory.