[Sysname-Serial2/1] quit
[Sysname] x25 hunt-group hg1 round-robin
[Sysname-hg-hg1] channel interface serial 2/1 dlci 100
# Add the XOT channel with a destination of to hunt group hg1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] x25 hunt-group hg1 round-robin
[Sysname-hg-hg1] channel xot
display interface
Syntax display interface [ interface-type [ interface-number ]]
View Any view
Parameter interface-type [ interface-number ]: Specifies an interface by its type and number.
Description Use the
display interface command to view the interface information.
Example # Encapsulate Serial2/0 with X.25 protocol and view the interface information.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] link-protocol x25 dce
[Sysname-Serial2/0] display interface serial 2/0
Serial2/0 current state: UP
Line protocol current state: UP
Description: Serial2/0 Interface
The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500, Hold timer is 10(sec)
Internet protocol processing : disabled
Link-protocol is X.25 DCE Ietf, address is , state R1, modulo 8
window sizes input:2 output:2, packet sizes input:128 output:128
Channels: Incoming-only 0-0, Two-way 1-1024, Outgoing-only 0-0
Timers: T10 60, T11 180, T12 60, T13 60, Idle_Timer 0 (seconds)
New configuration(will be effective after restart): modulo 8
window sizes input:2 output:2, packet sizes input:128 output:128
Channels: Incoming-only 0-0, Two-way 1-1024, Outgoing-only 0-0
Statistic: Restarts 0 (Restart Collisions 0)
Refused Incoming Call 0, Failing Outgoing Call 0
input/output: RESTART 1/1 CALL 0/0 DIAGNOSE 0/0
DATA 0/0 INTERRUPT 0/0 Bytes 0/0
RR 0/0 RNR 0/0 REJ 0/0
Invalid Pr: 0 Invalid Ps: 0 Unknown: 0
Link-protocol is LAPB
LAPB DCE, module 8, window-size 7, max-frame 12056, retry 10
Timer: T1 3000, T2 1500, T3 0 (milliseconds), X.25-protocol
state CONNECT, VS 1, VR 1, Remote VR 1
IFRAME 1/1, RR 1/1, RNR 0/0, REJ 0/0
FRMR 0/0, SABM 0/1, DM 0/0, UA 1/0
DISC 0/0, invalid ns 0, invalid nr 0, link resets 0
Output queue : (Urgent queuing : Size/Length/Discards) 0/50/0
Output queue : (Protocol queuing : Length) 0/500/0
Output queue : (FIFO queuing : Size/Length/Discards) 0/75/0
Physical layer is synchronous, Baudrate is 64000 bps
Interface is DCE, Cable type is V35, Clock mode is DCECLK
Last clearing of counters: Never
Last 300 seconds input rate 0.00 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0.00 packets/sec
Last 300 seconds output rate 0.00 bytes/sec, 0 bits/sec, 0.00 packets/sec
Input: 208 packets, 6329 bytes