prefix-length: Prefix length of the specified multicast source or multicast group.
For a multicast source address, this argument has an effective value range of 0 to
128; for a multicast group address, it has an effective value range of 8 to 128. The
system default is 128 in both cases.
Description Use the
reset mld group command to clear MLD forwarding entries.
Note that:
■ When you clear MLD forwarding entries on a VLAN interface, the MLD
Snooping forwarding entries for this VLAN interface will also be cleared.
■ You cannot use this command to clear MLD forwarding entries for static joins.
Related command: display mld group.
Example # Clear all MLD forwarding entries on all interfaces.
<Sysname> reset mld group all
# Clear all MLD forwarding entries on Ethernet 1/0.
<Sysname> reset mld group interface ethernet 1/0 all
# Clear all MLD forwarding entries for the IPv6 multicast group FF03::101:10 on
Ethernet 1/0.
<Sysname> reset mld group interface ethernet 1/0 ff03::101:10
# Clear all MLD forwarding entries for IPv6 multicast groups in the
FF03::101:0/112 range on Ethernet 1/0.
<Sysname> reset mld group interface ethernet 1/0 ff03::101:10 112
robust-count (MLD view)
Syntax robust-count robust-value
undo robust-count
View MLD view
Parameter robust-value: MLD querier robustness variable, with an effective range of 2 to 5.
The MLD robustness variable determines the number of general queries the MLD
querier sends on startup and the number of MLD group-specific queries the MLD
querier sends upon receiving an MLD done message.
Description Use the
robust-count command to configure the MLD querier robustness
variable globally.
Use the
undo robust-count command to restore the system default.