
Parameters name: Name of the MST regions, a string of 1 to 32 characters.
Description Use the
region-name command to configure the MST region name of your
Use the
undo region-name command to restore the MST region name to the
default setting.
By default, the MST region name of a device is its MAC address.
The MST region name, the VLAN-to-instance mapping table and the MSTP revision
level of a device jointly determine the MST region the device belongs to.
Related commands: instance, revision-level, check region-configuration, vlan-mapping
modulo, and active region-configuration.
Examples # Set the MST region name of the device to “hello”.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] stp region-configuration
[Sysname-mst-region] region-name hello
reset stp
Syntax reset stp [ interface interface-list ]
View User view
Parameters interface interface-list: Clears the spanning tree statistics information on one or
multiple ports. You can provide up to 10 port lists, by each of which you can
specify an individual port in the form of interface-type interface-number, or a port
range in the form of interface-type start-interface-number to interface-type
end-interface-number, where the end port number must be greater than the start
port number.
Description Use the
reset stp command to clear the MSTP statistics information.
The MSTP statistics information includes the numbers of TCN BPDUs,
configuration BPDUs, RST BPDUs and MST BPDUs sent/received through the
specified port(s) (STP BPDUs and TCN BPDUs are counted only for the CIST).
This command clears the spanning tree-related statistics information on the
specified port(s) if you specify the interface-list argument; otherwise, this
command clears the spanning tree-related statistics on all ports.
Related commands: display stp.
Examples # Clear the spanning tree-related statistics information on ports Ethernet 1/1
through Ethernet 1/3.
<Sysname> reset stp interface Ethernet 1/1 to Ethernet 1/3