Description Use the x25 ignore calling-address command to enable it to ignore the X.121
address of the calling DTE when X.25 initiates calls.
Use the
undo x25 ignore calling-address command to disable this function.
By default, this function is disabled.
According to X.25, the calling request packet must carry the address. However, on
some occasions, the X.25 calling request does not have to carry the called/calling
DTE address in a specific network environment or as is required by the application.
This command enables users to specify whether the call request packet sent by
X.25 in the device carries the calling DTE address.
Related command: x25 response called-address, x25 response calling-address, x25 ignore
Example # Specify the call request packet from the X.25 interface Serial 2/0 not to carry the
calling DTE address.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] x25 ignore calling-address
x25 local-cug
Syntax x25 local-cug local-cug-number network-cug network-cug-number [ no-incoming |
no-outgoing | preferential ]*
undo x25 local-cug cug-number
View Interface view
Parameter local-cug-number: Number of local cug.
network-cug-number: Number of network cug.
no-incoming: Suppresses incoming calls.
no-outgoing: Suppresses outgoing calls.
preferential: Specifies the preference rule.
Description Use the
x25 local-cug command to configure mapping from local CUG to
network CUG and define its suppression rule.
Use the
undo x25 local-cug command to remove the mapping from local CUG
to network CUG.
The command is disabled by default.
CUG map is the exchange relationship between local (DTE device) and network
(X.25 network) CUG numbers when the device is processing CUG calls. For