Examples # Configure T3 2/0 interface to operate in the FT3 mode, setting the DSU mode to
1 and the subrate to 3000 kbps.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller t3 2/0
[Sysname-T3 2/0] using t3
[Sysname-T3 2/0] ft3 dsu-mode 1
[Sysname-T3 2/0] ft3 subrate 3000
loopback (CT3 interface view)
Syntax loopback { local | payload | remote }
undo loopback
View CT3 interface view
Parameter local: Enables internal loopback on the CT3 interface.
payload: Enables external payload loopback on the CT3 interface.
remote: Enables external loopback on the CT3 interface.
Description Use the
loopback command to configure the loopback mode for a CT3 interface.
Use the
undo loopback command to disable loopback.
By default, loopback is disabled on CT3 interfaces.
Loopback is intended for test use. Disable it otherwise.
If a CT3 interface encapsulated with PPP is placed in a loopback, it is normal that
the state of the link layer protocol is reported down.
Example # Enable internal loopback on interface T3 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface t3 2/0
[Sysname-T3 2/0] loopback local
mdl (CT3 interface view)
Syntax mdl { detect | data { eic string | fic string | | gen-no string | lic string | pfi string |
port-no string | unit string } | generate { idle-signal | path | test-signal }}
undo mdl [detect | data [ eic | fic | gen-no | lic | pfi | port-no | unit ] | generate
[idle-signal | path | test-signal ]]
View CT3 interface view
Parameter detect: Enables periodical maintenance data link (MDL) message detection.