Parameter None
Description Use the
ipv6 fib-loadbalance-type hash-based command to specify the load
sharing mode based on the HASH algorithm for packet forwarding.
Use the
undo ipv6 fib-loadbalance-type hash-based command to restore
the load sharing mode to the default.
By default, the load sharing based on polling is adopted, that is, each ECMP route
is used in turn to forward packets.
Example # Specify the load sharing mode based on the HASH algorithm for packet
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipv6 fib-loadbalance-type hash-based
ipv6 host
Syntax ipv6 host hostname ipv6-address
undo ipv6 host hostname [ ipv6-address ]
View System view
Parameter hostname: Host name, a string of up to 20 characters. The character string can
contain letters, numerals, “_”, “-”, or “.” and must contain at least one letter.
ipv6-address: IPv6 address.
Description Use the
ipv6 host command to configure the mappings between host names
and IPv6 addresses.
Use the
undo ipv6 host command to remove the mappings between host
names and IPv6 addresses.
Each host name can correspond to only one IPv6 address.
Example # Configure the mapping between a host name and an IPv6 address.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ipv6 host aaa 2001::1
ipv6 icmp-error
Syntax ipv6 icmp-error { bucket bucket-size | ratelimit interval } *
undo ipv6 icmp-error
View System view