Description Use the dlsw max-transmission command to set the maximum number of the
attempts the DLSw v2.0 router should make to send an explorer frame.
Use the
undo dlsw max-transmission command to restore the default.
Each time the origin DLSw v2.0 router sends an explorer frame in a UDP multicast
or unicast, an explorer timer starts. If no acknowledgment is received before the
explorer timer times out, the router retransmits the explorer frame and resets the
explorer timer, until it receives an acknowledgment or the maximum number of
explorer frame retries is reached.
You can use this command only after enabling DLSw v2.0 multicast.
Example # Set the maximum number of explorer frame transmission retries to 10.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dlsw max-transmission 10
dlsw multicast
Syntax dlsw multicast [ multicast-ip-address ] interface interface-type interface-number
undo dlsw multicast
View System view
Parameter multicast-ip-address: Multicast IP address, in the range of to The default is to
interface: Specifies the interface through which DLSw v2.0 multicasts are sent.
interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.
Description Use the
dlsw multicast command to enable the multicast function of DLSw
Use the
undo dlsw multicast command to disable the multicast function of
DLSw v2.0.
By default, the multicast function of DLSw v2.0 is disabled.
Related command: dlsw enable, igmp enable on page 1350, and pim dm on page 1411 and pim
sm on page 1416.
Example # Enable the router to send DLSw 2.0 multicasts to the multicast address of through Ethernet 1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] dlsw multicast interface ethernet 1/0