Example # Configure the number of consecutive packets in a UDP-jitter probe as 100.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type udp-jitter
[Syaname-nqa-admin-test-udp-jitter] probe packet-number 100
probe packet-timeout
Syntax probe packet-timeout packet-timeout
undo probe packet-timeout
View UDP-jitter test type view
Parameter packet-timeout: Timeout time for waiting for responses in a UDP-jitter test, in the
range 10 to 3600000 milliseconds.
Description Use the
probe packet-timeout command to configure the timeout time for
waiting for responses in a UDP-jitter test.
Use the
undo probe packet-timeout command to restore the default.
By default, the timeout time in a UDP-jitter test is 3000 milliseconds.
Example # Configure the timeout time for waiting for responses in a UDP-jitter test as 100
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type udp-jitter
[Syaname-nqa-admin-test-udp-jitter] probe packet-timeout 100
probe timeout
Syntax probe timeout timeout
undo probe timeout
View DHCP/DLSw/FTP/HTTP/ICMP-echo/SNMP/TCP/UDP-echo test type view
Parameter timeout: Timeout time in a probe except UDP-jitter probe, in milliseconds. For an
FTP or HTTP probe, the value range is 10 to 86400000; for a DHCP, DLSw,
ICMP-echo, SNMP, TCP or UDP-echo probe, the value range is 10 to 3600000.
Description Use the
probe timeout command to configure the timeout time in a probe.
Use the
undo probe timeout command to restore the default.
By default, the timeout time is 3000 milliseconds.