
DSP 0: Normal
DSP 1: Normal
DSP 2: Normal
DSP 3: Normal
Slot 1
Status: Normal
Type: SIC-2FXS
Hardware: 2.2
Driver: 2.0
CPLD: 2.0
DSP: Normal[DSP VER: 2.0]
Slot 5
Status: Normal
Type: FIC-2VE1
Hardware: 3.0
Driver: 2.0
CPLD: 1.0
FDSP: Normal [DSP VER: 2.0]
VCPMA: Normal [PCB VER: 3.0 CPLD VER: 1.0 FPGA VER: 2.0]
VPM0: Normal [PCB VER: 2.0 CPLD VER: 2.0 DSP VER: 2.0]
DSP 0: Normal
DSP 1: Normal
DSP 2: Normal
DSP 3: Normal
VPM1: Normal [PCB VER: 2.0 CPLD VER: 2.0 DSP VER: 2.0]
DSP 0: Normal
DSP 1: Normal
DSP 2: Normal
DSP 3: Normal
Slot 6
Status: Normal
Type: DFIC-24FSW
Hardware: 2.0
Driver: 1.0
CPLD: 1.0
Slot 11
Status: Normal
Hardware: 3.0
Driver: 2.0
CPLD: 131.0
Table 594 Description on fields on the display device command
Field Description
Slot No. Slot number of a card
Board Type Hardware type of a card
Status Card status
Maximum Ports Maximum number of physical ports that a card supports
Type Type of the current card
Hardware Hardware version of the current card
Driver Driver version of the current card
CPLD CPLD version of the current card