display history-command
Syntax display history-command
View Any view
Parameter None
Description Use the
display history-command command to view the valid history
commands that have been executed recently.
Currently, the system can display up to 256 history commands.
Related command: history-command max-size.
Example # Display history commands.
<Sysname> display history-command
display current-configuration
display user-interface
Syntax display user-interface [ num1 | { aux | console | tty | vty } num2 ] [ summary ]
View Any view
Parameter num1: Absolute number of a user interface. The value range varies by device, and
normally starts from 0.
num2: Relative number of a user interface, in the following rules:
■ For the AUX port, the value is 0.
■ For the Console port, the value is 0.
■ For TTY user interfaces, the value range varies with devices, and normally starts
from 1.
■ For VTY user interfaces, the value ranges from 0 to 4.
summary: Displays summary about user interfaces.
Description Use the
display user-interface command to view information about the
specified or all user interfaces.
If the summary keyword is absent, the command displays the type of the user
interface, the absolute or relative number, the speed, the user privilege level, the
authentication mode and the physical location.