display qos policy interface
Syntax display qos policy interface [ interface-type interface-number ] [ inbound |
outbound ] [ pvc { pvc-name [ vpi/vci ] | vpi/vci }]]
View Any view
Parameters interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.
pvc: Used for ATM interface only, i.e., policy configuration of specified PVC on
specified ATM interface can be displayed.
pvc-name: PVC name.
vpi/vci: VPI/VCI value pair.
Description Use the
display qos policy interface command to view the configuration and
operating state about the policy on the specified interface, on the specified PVC
on a particular ATM interface or on all interfaces and PVCs.
Examples # Display the configuration and operating state about the policy on the interface
Ethernet 1/0 and PVC.
<Sysname> display qos policy interface Ethernet 1/0
Interface: Ethernet1/0
Direction: Outbound
Policy: test
Classifier: default-class
Matched : 0/0 (Packets/Bytes)
Rule(s) : if-match any
Behavior: be
Default Queue:
Flow Based Weighted Fair Queuing
Max number of hashed queues: 256
Matched : 0/0 (Packets/Bytes)
Enqueued : 0/0 (Packets/Bytes)
Discarded: 0/0 (Packets/Bytes)
Discard Method: Tail
Classifier: USER1
Matched : 0/0 (Packets/Bytes)
Operator: AND
Rule(s) : if-match ip-precedence 5
Behavior: USER1
Remark IP Precedence 3
Remarked: 0 (Packets)
Behavior The behavior in a policy that corresponds with a class. Each behavior can
have multiple matching rules. For details, refer to “traffic behavior” on page
Table 480 Description on the fields of the display qos policy command
Field Description