View MPLS LDP remote peer view
Parameter ip-address: IP address of the remote peer.
Description Use the
remote-ip command to configure the LDP remote peer IP address.
Use the
undo remote-ip command to remove the configuration.
Note that the LDP remote peer IP address must be the MPLS LSR ID of the remote
peer. Two peers use their respective MPLS LSR ID as the transport addresses to
establish the TCP connection.
Related command: mpls ldp remote-peer.
Example # Configure the LDP remote peer IP address.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] mpls ldp remote-peer BJI
[Sysname-mpls-ldp-remote-bji] remote-ip
reset mpls fast-forwarding cache
Syntax reset mpls fast-forwarding cache
View User view
Parameter None
Description Use the
reset mpls fast-forwarding cache command to clear information in
the MPLS fast forwarding cache.
Example # Clear information in the MPLS fast forwarding cache.
<Sysname> reset mpls fast-forwarding cache
reset mpls ldp
Syntax reset mpls ldp [ all | [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ fec mask | peer peer-id ]]
View User view
Parameter all: Specifies all LDP instances, including the public ones and private ones.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies a VPN instance by its name, a
case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters.
fec mask: Specifies a FEC by the destination IP address and mask.
peer peer-id: Specifies a peer by its LSR ID.