debugging bgp
Syntax debugging bgp [ ipv4-address | ipv6-address ] { keepalive | open | packet |
raw-packet | route-refresh } [ receive | send ] [ verbose ] }
undo debugging bgp [ ipv4-address | ipv6-address ] { keepalive | open | packet |
raw-packet | route-refresh } [ receive | send ] [ verbose ] }
View User view
Default Level 1: Monitor level
Parameters ipv4-address: IPv4 address of a peer.
ipv6-address: IPv6 address of a peer.
keepalive: Enables BGP Keepalive message debugging.
open: Enables BGP OPEN message debugging.
packet: Specifies to enable BGP packet debugging
raw-packet: Enables BGP raw packet debugging.
route-refresh: Enables BGP Route-Refresh message debugging.
receive: Enables the debugging for received BGP packets.
send: Enables the debugging for sent BGP packets.
verbose: Displays detailed debugging information.
Description Use the
debugging bgp command to enable debugging for specific BGP
message types.
Use the
undo debugging bgp command to disable debugging for specific BGP
message types.
Enabling debugging may affect system performance; therefore, use the command
only when necessary and disable debugging once the debugging operation is
By default, this debugging is disabled.
Table 226 Description on the fields of the debugging bgp command
Field Description
Recv Received packets
Send Sent packets
Length: LengthNumber Packet length