Description: VLAN 0003
Tagged Ports: none
Untagged Ports: none
interface vlan-interface
Syntax interface vlan-interface vlan-interface-id
undo interface vlan-interface vlan-interface-id
View System view
Parameter vlan-interface-id: VLAN interface ID, in the range of 1 to 4,094.
Description Use the
interface vlan-interface command to enter the specified VLAN
interface view. Use the undo interface vlan-interface command to delete the
specified VLAN interface. The VLAN interface must be created first before entering
its view
Before creating a VLAN interface, make sure the corresponding VLAN has been
created; otherwise, the VLAN interface cannot be created.
Related command: display interface vlan-interface.
Example # Create VLAN interface 2.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] vlan 2
[Sysname-vlan2] quit
[Sysname] interface vlan-interface 2
Table 112 Description on the fields of the display vlan command
Field Description
VLAN Type VLAN type (static or dynamic)
Route interface Whether the VLAN interface is configured for the VLAN: not
configured or configured
Description VLAN descriptive string
Broadcast MAX-ratio VLAN broadcast suppression ratio (available only on the device
supporting the broadcast-suppression command)
IP Address IP address of the VLAN interface (not display if the VLAN interface
has no IP address configured)
Subnet Mask Subnet mask of the IP address (not display if the VLAN interface
has no IP address configured)
Tagged Ports Tagged ports
Untagged Ports Untagged ports