Syntax debugging { all [ timeout time ] | module-name [ option ]}
undo debugging { all | module-name [ option ]}
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Parameter all: All debugging functions.
timeout time: Specifies the timeout time for the debugging all command. When
all debugging is enabled, the system automatically executes the undo debugging
all command after the time. The value ranges from 1 to 1440, in minutes.
module-name: Module name, such as ARP or ATM. You can use the debugging ?
command to display the current module name.
option: Specifies the debugging option for a specific module. Different modules
have different debugging options in terms of their number and content. You can
use the debugging module-name ? command to display the currently supported
Description Use the
debugging command to enable the debugging of a specific module.
Use the
undo debugging command to disable the debugging of a specific
By default, debugging functions of all modules are disabled.
Note the following:
■ This command is intended for network administrators to diagnose network
■ Output of the debugging information may degrade system efficiency, especially
during the execution of the debugging all command. Therefore, use the
command with caution.
■ After finishing debugging, you can use the undo debugging all command to
disable all the debugging functions.
■ You must configure the debugging, terminal debugging and terminal
monitor commands first to display detailed debugging information on the