Use the undo clock command to restore the default, that is, the slave clock
Example # Set the clock mode of ATM E3/T3 interface 5/0 to master.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface atm 5/0
[Sysname-Atm5/0] clock master
Syntax In ATM E3 interface view:
frame-format { g751-adm | g751-plcp | g832-adm }
In ATM T3 interface view:
frame-format { cbit-adm | cbit-plcp | m23-adm | m23-plcp }
undo frame-format
View ATM E3/T3 interface view
Parameter g751-adm: Sets the framing format of ATM E3 to G.751 ATM direct mapping
(G.751 ADM).
g751-plcp: Sets the framing format of ATM E3 to G.751 physical layer
convergence protocol (G.751 PLCP).
g832-adm: Sets the framing format of ATM E3 to G.832 ADM.
cbit-adm: Sets the framing format of ATM T3 to C-bit ADM.
cbit-plcp: Sets the framing format of ATM T3 to C-bit PLCP.
m23-adm: Sets the framing format of ATM T3 to M23 ADM.
m23-plcp: Sets the framing format of ATM T3 to M23 PLCP.
Description Use the
frame-format command to configure the framing format of the ATM
E3/T3 interface.
Use the
undo frame-format command to restore the default, that is, G.751
PLCP for ATM E3 interfaces and C-bit PLCP for ATM T3 interfaces.
Example # Set the framing format of ATM E3 interface 5/0 to G.832 ADM.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface atm 5/0
[Sysname-Atm5/0] frame-format g832-adm