<Sysname> display ip interface brief ethernet 1/0
*down: administratively down
(s): spoofing
Interface Physical Protocol IP Address
Ethernet1/0 up up
ip address
Syntax ip address ip-address { mask | mask-length } [ sub ]
undo ip address [ ip-address { mask | mask-length } [ sub ]]
View Interface view
Parameter ip-address: IP address of interface, in dotted decimal notation.
mask: Subnet mask in dotted decimal notation.
mask-length: Subnet mask length, the number of consecutive ones in the mask.
sub: Secondary IP address for the interface.
Description Use the
ip address command to assign an IP address and mask to the interface.
Use the
undo ip address command to remove all IP addresses.
Use the undo ip address ip-address { mask | mask-length } command to remove
the primary IP address.
Use the
undo ip address ip-address { mask | mask-length } sub command to
remove a secondary IP address.
By default, no IP address is assigned to any interface.
When assigning IP addresses to an interface, consider the following:
■ You can assign only one primary IP address to an interface.
Table 155 Description on fields of the display ip interface brief command
Field Description
*down The interface is administratively shut down with the shutdown
(s) Spoofing attribute of the interface. It indicates that an interface whose
network layer protocol is displayed up may have no link present or the
link is set up only on demand.
Interface Interface name
Physical Physical state of interface
Protocol Network layer protocol state of interface
IP Address IP address of interface (if no IP address is configured, “unassigned” is