View Explicit path view
Parameter ip-address: Specifies the IP address of a node on the explicit path. If no IP address
is specified, information about all the nodes on the explicit path is displayed.
Description Use the
list hop command to display information about specified or all nodes on
the explicit path.
Example # Display information about all nodes on an MPLS TE explicit path.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] explicit-path path1
[Sysname-explicit-path-path1] list hop
Path Name : path1 Path Status : Enabled
1 Strict Include
2 Strict Exclude
modify hop
Syntax modify hop ip-address1 ip-address2 [ include [ loose | strict ] | exclude ]
View Explicit path view
Parameter ip-address1 ip-address2: Substitutes the IP address specified by the ip-address2
argument for the IP address specified by the ip-address1 argument in the explicit
path. The specified IP addresses could be link IP addresses or router IDs of nodes.
include: Includes the IP address specified by the ip-address2 argument on the
explicit path.
loose: Indicates that the next hop is a loose node which is not necessarily directly
connected to the specified node.
strict: Indicates that the next hop is a strict node which must be directly
connected to the specified node.
exclude: Excludes the IP address specified by the ip-address2 argument from
subsequent path calculations.
Description Use the
modify hop command to change the IP address of a node on the explicit
By default, the changed IP address is included on the explicit path and its next hop
is a strict node.
Example # Replace IP address on explicit path named path1 with IP address and exclude this new IP address from subsequent path calculations.
[Sysname-explicit-path-p1] modify hop exclude