
specified MPLS EXP precedence values are identical with those in the rule
(sequence may be different) can the command be deleted.
You may configure up to eight MPLS EXP precedence values in one command.
If multiple MPLS EXP precedences of the same value are specified, the system
regards them as one. Relation between different local priorities is "OR".
The MPLS EXP field is specific to MPLS packets, so this matching rule is effective
for only the MPLS packets.
As for software forwarding QoS, MPLS packets do not support IP-related
matching rules.
10 Define RTP port matching rule.
This command can match RTP packets in the range of specified RTP port
number, i.e., to match packets of even UDP port numbers between
<starting-port-number> and < end-port-number >.
If this command is frequently configured under one class, the last configuration
will take effect.
11 Define VLAN ID matching rule.
For a class, you can configure multiple commands which cannot be
overwritten. When the command is configured, the vlan-id values will be
arranged automatically in ascending order. Only when the specified VLAN ID
values are identical with those in the rule (sequence may be different) can the
command be deleted.
You may multiple VLAN ID values in one command. If multiple VLAN IDs of the
same value are specified, the system regards them as one. Relation between
different VLAN IDs is "OR".
Related commands: traffic classifier.
Examples # Define the packet whose class match protocol is not IP.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] traffic classifier class1
[Sysname-classifier-class1] if-match not protocol ip
# Define that the matching rule of class1 is to match the packets with the
destination MAC address 0050-ba27-bed3.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] traffic classifier class1
[Sysname-classifier-class1] if-match destination-mac 0050-ba27-bed3
# Define that the matching rule of class2 is to match the packets with the
destination MAC address 0050-ba27-bed2.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] traffic classifier class2
[Sysname-classifier-class2] if-match source mac 0050-ba27-bed2
# Define a class to match ACL 3101.