Parameter /force: Empties the recycle bin.
Description Use the
reset recycle-bin command to permanently remove deleted file or files
from the recycle bin.
Unlike this command, the delete file-url command only moves files to the recycle
Example # Empty the recycle bin.
<Sysname> reset recycle-bin
Clear cf:/tt.cfg ?[Y/N]:y
Clearing files from cf may take a long time. Please wait...
%Cleared file cf:/~/tt.cfg.
Syntax rmdir directory
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Parameter directory: Name of the directory.
Description Use the
rmdir command to remove a directory.
The directory must be an empty one. If it is not, first delete all files and
subdirectory under it with the delete command.
Example # Remove directory mydir.
<Sysname> rmdir mydir
Rmdir cf:/mydir?[Y/N]:y
%Removed directory cf:/mydir.
Syntax umount device
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Parameter device: Storage device name (for example flash or cf) on a device that does not
support storage device partitioning; partition device name (for example cf0 or cf1)
on a device supporting storage device partitioning.
Description Use the
umount command to unmount a hot swappable storage device, such as
a CF card or a USB device, excluding Flash. This command is effective only when
the device is in mounted state.