Example # Set the link state polling interval to 20 seconds for interface serial 1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 1/0
[Sysname-Serial1/0] timer hold 20
Syntax virtualbaudrate virtualbaudrate
undo virtualbaudrate
View Synchronous serial interface view
Parameter virtualbaudrate: Baud rate (in bps) to be set, which must be consistent with the
one configured at the DCE side. It can be 1,200, 2,400, 4,800, 9,600, 19,200,
38,400, 56,000, 57,600, 64,000, 72,000, 115,200, 128,000, 192,000, 256,000,
384,000, 512,000, 768,000, 2,048,000, or 4,096,000.
Description Use the virtualbaudrate command to set a virtual baud rate for the DTE
Use the
undo virtualbaudrate command to remove the specified virtual baud
When working as DTE, the serial interface determines its baud rate through
negotiation with the DCE side. The virtualbaudrate command, however, allows
you to configure DTE-side baudrate manually, but the configured value must be
the same as the one set at the DCE side.
After executing the virtualbaudrate command, you need to shut down and then
bring up the interface (using the shutdown command and the undo shutdown
command) for the new setting to take effect.
■ Configure the baudrate command at DCE side and the virtualbaudrate
command at DTE side (only when the interface is operating in synchronous
mode). Avoid configuring the two commands at the same end of a link.
■ At DCE side, the display interface command displays the baud rate of the
interface; whereas at the DTE end, the command displays the virtual baud rate
of the interface.
Related command: baudrate.
Example # Set the virtual baudrate of DTE interface Serial 1/0 to 19,200 bps.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 1/0
[Sysname-Serial1/0] virtualbaudrate 19200