Example # Enable ISDN call checking and set the time to launch ISDN call checking to
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] isdn check-time 8:30
isdn crlength
Syntax isdn crlength call-reference-length
undo isdn crlength
View ISDN interface view
Parameter call-reference-length: ISDN call reference length, which can be one or two bytes.
Description Use the
isdn crlength command to set length of the call reference used when a
call is placed on an ISDN interface.
Use the
undo isdn crlength command to restore the default ISDN call reference
length on the interface.
By default, the call reference length is two bytes for E1 PRI and T1 PRI interfaces
and one byte for BRI interfaces.
Call reference is equal to the sequence number that the protocol assigns to each
call. It is one or two bytes in length and can be used cyclically.
When the router receives a call from a remote device, it can automatically identify
the length of the call reference. However, some devices on the network do not
have such capability. In the event that the router is required to place calls to such a
device connected to it, you must configure the router to use the same call
reference length configured on the connected device.
You are not allowed to configure this command on an ISDN interface if there is still
a call on it. This command can take effect only if it is configured when there is no
call on the interface. Alternatively you can manually disable the interface by
executing the shutdown command, configure the command, and then enable
the interface by executing the undo shutdown command. The operations,
however, will lead to the disconnection of the call existing on the interface.
Example # Set the call reference length carried by the ISDN messages on the PRI interface
serial/0:15 to 1 byte.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial1/0:15
[Sysname-Serial1/0:15] isdn crlength 1
isdn ignore connect-ack
Syntax isdn ignore connect-ack