pppoe-server bind
Syntax pppoe-server bind virtual-template number
undo pppoe-server bind
View Interface view
Parameter number: Number of the virtual-template interface, in the range 0 to 1023.
Description Use the
pppoe-server bind command to enable PPPoE on the virtual-template
specified by the Ethernet interface.
Use the
undo pppoe-server bind command to disable PPPoE protocol on the
relevant interface.
By default, PPPoE protocol is disabled.
Example # Enable PPPoE on interface Ethernet 1/0, and bind Virtual-Template1 with
interface Ethernet 1/0
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] pppoe-server bind virtual-template 1
pppoe-server log-information off
Syntax pppoe-server log-information off
undo pppoe-server log-information off
View System view
Parameter None
Description Use the
pppoe-server log-information off command to disable the PPPoE
server to display the PPP log information.
InP In Packets, Packages received
InO In Octets, Bytes received
InD In Discards, Received and then discarded packages
OutP Out Packets, Packages sent
OutO Out Octets, Bytes sent
OutD Out Discard, Discarded packages that might be sent
Table 85 Description on the fields of the display pppoe-server session packet command
Field Description