display acfp rule-cache
Syntax display acfp rule-cache [ in-interface interface-type interface-number | out-interface
interface-type interface-number ] *
View Any view
Parameters in-interface interface-type interface-number: Displays the rule cache information
of the specified inbound interface, where interface-type interface-number is the
interface type and interface number.
out-interface interface-type interface-number: Displays the rule cache
information of the specified outbound interface, where interface-type
interface-number is the interface type and interface number.
Description Use the
display acfp rule-cache command to display ACFP rule cache
If you specify neither the in-interface nor out-interface keyword, the command
will display all the ACFP rule cache information.
Example # Display all the ACFP rule cache information.
<Sysname> display acfp rule-cache
ACFP rule-cache total items: 2
Idx SIP Sport DIP DPort Pro InIf OutIf
1021 62534 32456 4 g0/2 e1/1
Precedence ToS DSCP Establish Fragment Action
7 15 Af12 false true redirect
Idx SIP Sport DIP DPort Pro InIf OutIf
895 62534 32456 1 g0/2 e1/1
Precedence ToS DSCP Establish Fragment Action
3 14 Be false true deny
In-Interface Inbound interface of the packet
Out-Interface Outbound interface of the packet
Dest-Interface Interface connected to the ACFP client
Table 651 Description on the fields of the display acfp policy-info command
Field Description
Table 652 Description on the fields of the display acfp rule-cache command
Field Description
ACFP rule-cache total items Number of ACFP rule cache information entries