Examples # Enable detailed debugging for BGP when a BGP peer relationship is being
<Sysname> debugging bgp detail
*Aug 24 14:12:13:674 2006 Sysname RM/6/RMDEBUG:
BGP_L3VPN: Recv UPDATE with following RD 100:1 destination
- Received New VPNv4 Route with Ext-Community NULL..Ignoring Route
// BGP received an UPDATE message with RD 100:1, destination address
The Ext-Community of the new VPNv4 route is NULL and therefore the route was
DeLocRemCross: Deleting route From Target Instance.
// The route was deleted from the instance
debugging bgp event
Syntax debugging bgp [ ipv4-address | ipv6-address ] event
undo debugging bgp [ ipv4-address | ipv6-address ] event
View User view
Default Level 1: Monitor level
Parameters ipv4-address: IPv4 address of a peer.
ipv6-address: IPv6 address of a peer.
Description Use the
debugging bgp event command to enable event debugging for BGP.
Use the
undo debugging bgp event command to disable event debugging for
Received New VPNv4 Route with
Ext-Community NULL.Ignoring Route
Received a new VPNv4 route with
Ext-Community as NULL and therefore
ignored the route.
Received VPNv4 Packet But No Such Route In
Loc Rib
Received a VPNv4 packet and there is no such
a route in the local routing table
operation XX Label operation code
Receive SMB UP backup requirement Received a standby board startup event
requesting an active/standby switchover
Receive routine backup requirement Received a routine request for an
active/standby switchover
Receive SMB down backup requirement Received a standby board down event
requesting an active/standby switchover
Table 224 Description on the fields of the debugging bgp detail command
Field Description