undo baudrate
View Serial interface view
Parameter baudrate: Baud rate (in bps) to be set for a serial interface.
Description Use the
baudrate command to set the baud rate for a serial interface.
Use the undo baudrate command to restore the default.
By default, the baud rate is 64,000 bps on a synchronous serial interface.
The following are the baud rates available with synchronous serial interfaces:
1,200 bps, 2,400 bps, 4,800 bps, 9,600 bps, 19,200 bps, 38,400 bps, 56,000 bps,
57,600 bps, 64,000 bps, 72,000 bps, 115,200 bps, 128,000 bps, 192,000 bps,
256,000 bps, 384,000 bps, 512,000 bps, 1,024,000 bps, 2,048,000 bps, and
4,096,000 bps.
The baud rate range available with synchronous serial interfaces depends on the
applied physical electric specifications.
■ For V.24 DTE/DCE, the baud rate available ranges from 1,200 bps to 64,000
■ For V.35 DCE/DCE, X.21 DTE/DCE, EIA/TIA-449 DTE/DCE, and EIA-530
DTE/DCE, the baud rate available ranges from 1,200 bps to 4,096,000 bps.
■ Take the physical electric specifications of the cable into consideration when
setting the baud rate for a serial interface.
■ The baud rate adopted by a DCE-DTE pair is determined by the DCE.
Example # Set the baud rate of synchronous serial interface 1/0 at DCE side to 115,200
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 1/0
[Sysname-Serial1/0] baudrate 115200
clock (serial interface view)
Syntax clock { dteclk1 | dteclk2 | dteclk3 | dteclk4 | dteclkauto }
undo clock
View Serial interface view
Parameter dteclk1: Sets the interface clock selection mode to DTE clock option 1.
dteclk2: Sets the interface clock selection mode to DTE clock option 2.